30-Day Shamanic Self-Love Journey

A Practice to Deepen Your Love, & Nurture Your Spirit.

Instructions: Each day, take time to connect with yourself, the elements, and the spirit. Use these practices as daily rituals to help you deepen your self-love, nurture your spirit, and align with your authentic self.

Some of you may be thinking, 30 days?!

I totally get it. Too much of a good thing can be, well, too much. Don’t let that deter you from giving it a chance!

But for those who just aren’t ready to commit to 30 days, use this tool as 30 examples of possibility, and just commit to ONE and commit to the ONE activity for 7 days.

Week 1: Grounding and Connection to Earth

Day 1: Earth Connection Meditation  

Find a place outside to sit or walk barefoot. Focus on your breath, and with each inhale, visualize yourself drawing strength and love from the Earth. With each exhale, release anything that does not serve your highest good. Write down how you feel afterward.

Day 2: Gratitude for Your Physical Body  

Stand in front of a mirror and give thanks to your body. Speak out loud: “I honor and love every part of me.” Be kind and gentle with yourself, noticing and accepting all parts without judgment.

Day 3: Create a Sacred Space 

Set up a small altar or sacred space in your home. Include items that represent earth elements like stones, crystals, or plants. This will be your place to meditate or reflect daily.

Day 4: Nourish Your Body 

Prepare a nourishing meal with whole, healthy ingredients. As you eat, express gratitude for the nourishment you are giving yourself and reflect on how this contributes to self-love.

Day 5: Connect with Nature 

Spend 20 minutes in nature. Bring awareness to the earth beneath you, the sounds around you, and the sky above. Let nature’s peace fill you, and recognize that you are part of this greater ecosystem.

Day 6: Grounding Visualization  

Sit or lie comfortably, close your eyes, and visualize roots extending from your feet into the Earth. Feel the stability and strength of the earth supporting you. Affirm: “I am grounded, strong, and worthy of love.”

Day 7: Journaling – Self Reflection  

Reflect on what you’ve learned about your relationship with your body and the Earth this week. How do you feel more connected? How has this influenced your self-love?

Week 2: Embracing Water and Emotions

Day 8: Water Ritual 

Drink a glass of water mindfully. As you drink, set the intention of cleansing away any negative self-talk. With each sip, imagine your body being filled with love and clarity.

Day 9: Emotional Release 

Take a bath or shower, and as the water flows over you, visualize it washing away any emotional pain or baggage. Feel lighter, and affirm: “I release what no longer serves me.”

Day 10: Embrace Your Emotions 

Write down how you’re feeling today. Allow yourself to fully feel any emotion without judgment. Acknowledge each feeling as valid, and recognize that emotions flow like water, always changing.

Day 11: Self-Compassion Practice 

Whenever you feel a critical thought arise today, pause. Place your hand on your heart, take a deep breath, and say: “I choose to speak to myself with love.”

Day 12: Creative Flow 

Tap into your emotional expression by creating something: a drawing, poem, or dance. Let the process flow without attachment to the outcome. This is an act of self-love, expressing who you are.

Day 13: Water Element Meditation 

Sit by a body of water (or visualize one). Let the water’s flow mirror your emotional state. Let go of any resistance, and trust in the natural flow of life. Affirm: “I flow with ease, and I honor my emotions.”

Day 14: Journaling – Emotions & Self-Love 

Reflect on the week’s practices with water. What emotions have you been holding onto? How can you lovingly release and embrace yourself fully?

Week 3: Igniting Your Inner Fire

Day 15: Fire Ritual 

Light a candle. As you gaze at the flame, think of the things that ignite your passion and creativity. Commit to embracing these aspects of yourself, knowing they are sacred parts of who you are.

Day 16: Affirm Your Inner Strength 

Write down five qualities you love about yourself. Speak them aloud, knowing these are parts of your inner fire. Affirm: “I embrace my inner fire and strength.”

Day 17: Move Your Body  

Engage in a form of physical activity that feels joyful and empowering, like dancing or yoga. Feel the fire in your body as it moves, appreciating your body’s strength and vitality.

Day 18: Release Judgment  

When you feel self-judgment arise, envision yourself throwing that judgment into a sacred fire. Let it burn away. Replace it with an affirmation of self-love.

Day 19: Set Your Intentions 

Write down an intention that fuels your passion and purpose. This intention is an expression of self-love. How will you nurture and protect it?

Day 20: Express Your Authentic Self  

Wear something today that makes you feel fully you. This might be bright colors, something that feels comfortable, or even no makeup. Honor your authentic self through how you present yourself.

Day 21: Journaling – Inner Fire  

Reflect on your connection to the fire element this week. How has honoring your passion and strength helped you love yourself more fully?

Week 4: Air and Higher Self Connection

Day 22: Breathwork Practice  

Focus on your breath throughout the day. Take slow, deep breaths, and use this breath to remind yourself that each inhale is an act of receiving love, and each exhale is an act of releasing what doesn’t serve you.

Day 23: Affirmations of Self-Love  

Write down 10 self-love affirmations. Repeat them throughout the day, letting them become part of your breath and your thoughts.

Day 24: Clarity through Silence 

Spend 10 minutes in silence, listening to your thoughts. Don’t judge them, simply observe. By quieting the noise, you allow your higher self to come forward with clarity and love.

Day 25: Mindful Communication 

Be mindful of your words today. Speak with kindness and love to others, and to yourself. Notice how speaking lovingly shifts your energy and enhances self-love.

Day 26: Connect with Spirit 

Spend time in meditation or prayer, connecting with your higher self and the spirit world. Ask for guidance in continuing to deepen your self-love journey.

Day 27: Self-Acceptance through Breath 

Whenever you feel doubt or fear arise, return to your breath. Say aloud: “I accept and love myself exactly as I am.”

Day 28: Journaling – Air and Spirit Connection  

Reflect on your connection with the air element and your higher self this week. How has this clarity and lightness supported your self-love journey?

Week 5: Integration and Embodiment

Day 29: Integration Meditation  

Spend 15 minutes in meditation, connecting with the elements—Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Spirit. Feel their support and presence within you. Affirm: “I am whole, I am loved, I am connected.”

Day 30: Celebrate Yourself 

Do something today that feels like a celebration of who you are. This could be a walk in nature, a bath, preparing a favorite meal, or spending time with loved ones. Reflect on how far you’ve come on this journey, knowing that self-love is an ongoing, sacred practice.

Reflection Journal

At the end of the 30 days, take time to reflect on the journey. How has your relationship with yourself transformed? What practices resonated most deeply with you? How will you continue to nurture self-love?

With Love and Gratitude to all,
- Thunder