Hack Your Brain for Motivation

How to Start Your Day for Powerful Change

We’ve all experienced those mornings where we wake up feeling uninspired and unmotivated. One of my clients recently struggled with this, and I shared with them a morning routine that has worked wonders for me during different phases of my life. The key to breaking through that mental fog lies in understanding how to harness the brain’s power upon waking.

When you first wake up, your brain is in a theta wave state. This deeply relaxed, almost meditative state occurs between sleep and full consciousness. During theta, your brain is incredibly impressionable—your conscious mind hasn’t fully "woken up," so you have a window to speak directly to your subconscious. This state is where habits, beliefs, and emotional responses are stored, making it the perfect time to reprogram your mind for success.

In those early moments of the day, your mind is like fertile soil, waiting to be seeded with positive, life-affirming thoughts and beliefs. So, how do you take advantage of this brain hack? Let me share some personal practices I’ve used to get the most out of my mornings:

1. Avoid social media and emails first thing in the morning.
Before reaching for your phone or answering work emails, create space for yourself. Protect those first few minutes of the day—they're precious and powerful.

2. Listen to inspirational or motivational content.
There were times in my life when I would wake up, immediately head to YouTube, and listen to motivational videos as I got ready for the day. You can look up motivational content on your own, or visit our YouTube channel www.youtube.com/@mobilemediums, where we’ve created a playlist of our favorite videos. These words of others can fill the spaces where you may not yet be able to speak or think for yourself. Let their positivity wash over you and become the tone-setter for the day.

3. Say a personal prayer or affirmation.
In other phases, I would wake up and immediately say a prayer I had written out for myself. If you’re looking for a prayer that resonates with your personal journey, you can write your own, research one, or even use AI to generate one tailored to your intentions. It’s about filling your mind with words that connect you to your higher self.

4. Physically engage with affirmations.
This is one of my favorite exercises. I’ve written affirmations and traits I love about myself on notecards and taped them to my wall. I even ask loved ones to share what they admire about me, and I include those traits on the wall. Each morning, I touch these words, physically connecting with them, and do the same before bed. This simple act serves as a reminder of the good within me, reinforcing my sense of self-worth.

By focusing your attention in this way during your morning theta state, you begin to rewire your brain. Positive input during this impressionable time builds new neural pathways, shifting your belief systems and creating momentum that carries you through the day.

The science behind it is simple: the more you flood your subconscious mind with empowering thoughts during this vulnerable state, the more those thoughts become part of who you are. You start to see yourself as capable, worthy, and motivated—because you've been programming your mind to do so.

Next time you feel stuck, try these practices. Engage with the theta state to plant seeds of positivity, growth, and inspiration. Over time, you’ll find that these simple actions have the power to transform not just your mornings, but your life.

Wishes of Happiness, Health, Wealth & Wisdom
- Heart